Letter – 15 October 2011 II



I have tried so many times to respond… but however does one begin to write a poem for a poet?
When I search for comfort I find my breath, concealing you in song. There, our voices sing to the moon and the blossoming dawn, as they lay bare the fragrance of the earth. Aching, for your feet to step to my path, to penetrate the expertise that comes from loving over and over and over again, I wait, hoping you will remember the shared field, our lips amongst the harvest, bodies tied to earth searching for their truth…


Untitled 19092011



Scarlet threads
Suiciding over regal rouged lips,
A luster shred indulgently upon your words,
Gracious coiffures dressing me
Only to undress twilight
Over a union of naked bonds.
Let this proclaim a drunk poet
Bound at last
To an increasing breath
Curved over your lips,
Suffocated by your hands,
Engraved into my warm flesh.





(c) A Hannan