
You spoke the water
And the water has given
Us a new name
But I call you, still

Poetry and Love

Satisfying shadows
The earth parades us
And these drops
Seem to fly



Inspired by the lovely Lady Nimue: Rains


Note: Monet and Renoir discovered, through the practice of painting light and water en plein air (in the open air) that the color of shadows is not brown or black, but the reflected color of the objects surrounding them (an effect today known as diffuse reflection).

“Color owes its brightness to force of contrast rather than to its inherent qualities … primary colors look brightest when they are brought into contrast with their complementaries.” ~ Monet


I am all
Jazz music

NOTE: ‘Dis-Cooperire’ from Latin Dis and Cooperire, meaning ‘to remove the covering; completely uncover.’ By the mid 1500’s it was used to mean ‘seeing or gaining knowledge of something previously unknown’ and ‘finding out; bringing to light.’