
I am all
Jazz music

NOTE: ‘Dis-Cooperire’ from Latin Dis and Cooperire, meaning ‘to remove the covering; completely uncover.’ By the mid 1500’s it was used to mean ‘seeing or gaining knowledge of something previously unknown’ and ‘finding out; bringing to light.’

The Art of Subtlety

It is not a surprise that you see at all!

All poets are in love!

You see beauty, and we are surprised.

As I write this, your Beloved waits

Where you hold the unveiled,

Where we all wait for love,

Yet we, excluding you, do not know how

To shiver from a dizzy kiss in the arms of love.

You see your Beloved’s hand on a golden shore

Wreathed in jasmine, bathed in moonlight,

And we, we keep our wings in your hand

Learning your subtlety.

(c) A Hannan